… a club o’ independent mind
We are a "pod" of swimmers, adults and youngsters alike, who are really into how we can learn to swim fast over short distances without giving up everything else in our lives!
We love the thrill you get when you can go really fast through the water and we enjoy the personal challenge that this represents. We also appreciate the notion of sharing the wider social and educational benefits we get from our sport.
Okay, we’ll admit it. We are more or less a sprint club and our approach is pretty much out of step with main stream swimming. But we do have our reasons.
Take a look around our site and see what you think. Hopefully you will indeed get that sense that we are no ordinary swimming club…
Interested in joining?
Our Criteria for Membership
Our training demands considerable focus and attention even from our younger members and everyone at some point is expected to compete. Some swimmers come to us a little hesitant about this one but before they know it they find they actually want to find out how fast they can swim in a race!
We are a small club and need to have enough room to accommodate any new member. Preference is usually given to school-age applicants ie 7-17 years.
Well, essentially you need to be able to keep up with the training we do so that you do not interfere with the training of any other swimmer. Fortunately much of our training involves short distances with relatively long rest intervals and so the chances of being able to keep up even if you are young are in fact quite high. We have also found that fins can help here too! The minimum entry requirement is to be able to swim a reasonably comfortable length of the pool front crawl.
Please do not think of us as a child-minding service. Drop your kids off at anytime by all means, but we also have a clear expectation that every swimmer (or swimmer's family) puts some energy into the club at some point during the year. This can be in any useful way you like - just be willing to commit to a modest number of hours over the year and the club will go from strength to strength!
Want to know more?
Those questions answered
We have three squads: our Competitive Squad, our Moving On Group (young improvers), and our Main Squad (literally everybody who swims in the club). Initial membership is only open to the Competitive Squad or Moving On Group.
All sessions take place at Forres Pool
Mon 7.00-8.15am CompSquad
Wed 4.30-5.15pm CompSquad & MoG
Thu 7.00-8.15am CompSquad
Fri 4.10-5.10pm Land training (refer to specific dates emailed to members)
Fri 5.15-6.15pm Main Squad (inc Comp Squad & MoG)
We are committed to the principle that everyone pays for their own pool-time and no swimmer subsidises any other.
Monthly in advance: Competitive Squad £42.50, Moving On Group £24.50, and Rest of Main Squad £13.75
In addition all swimmers must become annual members of Scottish Swimming @ £48.00 pa.
Get in touch initially by email via our contact page or message us on Facebook. Or you can always pop your head in on a Friday at the end of the session.
If there is space in the club, the prospective member will be invited to come along to an initial session where we can just take a look at where they are with respect to meeting our minimum expectation of being able to swim a full length of front crawl reasonably comfortably. If that is the case, we expect a commitment from them to then attend a further two sessions so that they can get a better idea of who we are and, likewise, us of them. Only after those sessions will we be in a position to discuss membership.